Google Backup Transport

Google Backup Transport is a mechanism that Android applications and system (including 3rd party apps) use to restore your data in Cloud. This will for instance, make it easy for you to restore a game’s progress should you move to a different device.

What Is Cloud And Why Is It Used?

Gone are the days when people would store all heir important data in floppy disks as the safest option for data storage. In this high-tech world, people prefer the cloud as the safest backup plan. Cloud storage ensures that all important data is available to you at any given time. You can access that information from any device including a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

When you save information in the cloud, it is stored both in your device and in some data center located somewhere in the world. To access that file, you simply go online and retrieve that information. This kind of storage comes with many advantages even for Google users. One of the biggest benefits is that you will always have that information even if you lose your device.

Advantages of cloud as a backup transport for Google and why you should use it

Here is a look at some of the major advantages of using cloud storage as Google’s backup solution:

  • It is affordable: If you own a small business, chances are that you are running on a limited IT budget. If Google is your email service provider of choice, you know that it does not come with a backup service. So, take the initiative and store your information in The Cloud for a reasonable annual fee.
  • Access information anywhere and at anytime: Since Google also uses Cloud; you are able to access your Google account from any place and at any time. This is of course, as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Simple to use: Google is a service provider that has millions of users from all over the globe. As such, it cannot handle a complex backup solution especially when it comes to backing up information for millions of people. With cloud, you just click and files are easily stored and recovered.
  • It is not manual: Most companies that are not in the habit of backing up their data claim that there is no time. Backing up information in the cloud does not need extra time because the files in your computer are automatically backed up in cloud and continuously.

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