Gmail Backup Codes

Most Gmail users have a lot going on in their accounts. Most have a lot of years put into their accounts, and the worst thing that could happen would be losing all the data. So, what would you do if one day you opened your Gmail account and found it blank? You would probably be devastated trying to figure out how you could save all the important data you had stored in there.

In light of all this, you should consider backing up your Gmail account. Having a secondary stash of all important data will definitely come in handy. While Gmail rarely loses data, there are times it does and it is because of such times that you need to choose between the following backup options.

Gmail Backup Codes – Backupify

You will first have to sign up to get Backupify. After that, you will have to authenticate your Google Apps or Gmail account via the service. You will not have to do more because Backupify has servers which take information from Google servers every two or three days and saves that data there. Backupify is also able to backup your Twitter stream, Google docs, Flickr photos and Facebook data among other web apps.

Backup Codes basics

If you are unable to get codes through Google authenticator, voice call or SMS probably because you have lost your phone, you can sign in using backup codes. Backup codes are there in the overview page of your Gmail account. These codes were first offered to users during the 2 step verification process.

These codes come in a set of ten, and users have the ability to generate new codes whenever they wish. When they do so, the previous set will automatically be rendered inactive. Additionally, once you have signed in using a backup code, that code is no longer active. It is recommended that users should store their codes where they store important information. Just as the codes in your mobile phone, backup codes will only be valuable to a person who also has your password.

How to backup your data

  • Network backup: This is the most appropriate method to backup all important files.
  • External drive and disk: These come in various types like DVD or CD burners. They can write all data in a disk as backup. Large USB’s are reliable options for data backup.
  • 3rd party backup: Google “internet backup service” and you will be presented with many options. While this type of backup option is not suitable for backing up AU data, it is useful in backing up personal data like music collections or digital photo collection.

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